
For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

Definitely counterintuitive.  What leader, anywhere in our world today, would give such counsel or show by example the validity of such a course of action?  No one, nowhere, no how.  It’s antithetical to anyone’s worldview, that is anyone who is not a disciple of Jesus Christ.  

If you follow Christ, your goal is to live as He lived, do as He did, obey the Father as He obeyed the Father.  Jesus set the example:  He gave His life for us.  He lost His life and not only found it again at the Resurrection but He also enabled “whosoever will” to find our lives also.

Counterintuitive but exactly what I need.

Mr. Preacher’s non-Opus

via Daily Prompt: Cringe

You know what makes me cringe?  I will be happy to tell you.

I am an ordained minister.  I love to preach.  I haven’t preached in a church in a while, but I have preached my fair share of sermons over the years.  Over those years, I have preached my fair share of yawn-worthy sermons.  There have been sermons that I didn’t prepare well enough, sermons that I didn’t practice beforehand enough, sermons that I didn’t pray through enough.  Guess what happened to those sermons?  Yup, I bombed them.  They were cringe-worthy.  Most of those were early on in my sermon-preaching years.  I don’t bomb as often now.  Experience is a good teacher if you choose to learn from it.

So what makes me cringe?  It is when I hear other sermons from other preachers that are shallower than the ditch near my house.  I have heard way too many sermons over the years from fellow preachers, who know better, that are nothing more than their opinions, not rightly divided exposition of the Bible.  Each sermon should be a carefully researched, studied, prayed through, practiced, and in all other ways painstakingly prepared exegesis of the word of God.  My wife’s uncle, Richard Strauss, who was the pastor of the church in which I grew up, was incredibly thorough in his sermon prep.  His sermons, still available via the website, are thick.   They are incredibly deep, yet readily understandable.  Why?  Because Uncle Richard spent hours and hours in prayerful sermon preparation so that every Sunday he would be ready to give us the good stuff.  A preacher can only make the really deep readily understandable if they are willing to put in the long hours in careful, prayerful preparation.

So preachers, don’t make your congregation cringe when you preach.  Give them the good stuff.  Make sure you have 15-25 hours set aside to prep for your sermons.  Dig deep:  linguistically, culturally, grammatically, historically, and in all other ways that are applicable.  Dig deep in your prep so that you can boil it down accurately so as to communicate the deep things of God so that a six-year-old can understand it and not be bored in the process.

Too much to ask?  If so, get out of the pulpit and start selling insurance.  No one should preach who is unwilling to put in the hard work ahead of time.  Stop making me CRINGE!

Diabolos es caliente!

O how I abhor it, When foolish mortals, A species who wasted The gift of Free Will, And is on the verge Of destroying the planet With which they were gifted, Try to tell me, The Prince of Darkness And Ruler of Eternal Hellfire, That the current temperature Is hot as Hell! Such imbeciles! Why […]

via Hot As Hell (Not!) — The Return of the Modern Philosopher

“a species who wasted the gift of Free Will . . . .”  Austin, the self-proclaimed Modern Philosopher, has committed the writer/blogger’s unpardonable sin.  A writer must understand their protagonist for the express purpose of NOT putting fallacious words in his/her mouth.  Satan would never say that the gift of free will has been wasted.  He knows full well that every human being who is alive has full control over their choices.  We do not have full control over our circumstances, but we do have full control over how we CHOOSE to respond to our circumstances.  We won’t lose that until we are six feet under.  Most of us decide to CHOOSE poorly much of the time, but that is our CHOICE.  We are never coerced into making poor CHOICES; our CHOICES are ours alone and we are responsible for them.  Satan CHOSE to rebel against God; it was his CHOICE and he owns (not willingly, but justly) the full repercussions of his rebellious, foolish CHOICE.

Of course, Satan is the Great Deceiver, so he just might try to convince us that our free will is no mas, but he knows it is not true.

Satan is no idiot; he just acts like one.

It’s funny:  I tried twice to respond directly to Austin, the Modern Philosopher, on his blog post.  It disappeared both times.  Perhaps he has blocked me.  I guess God is getting under the skin of the devil.  He can run but he can’t hide.

American ME

Pride comes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall. – Proverbs 16:18

Yes, it is American ME, from the top down.  President Trump boasts about all the ideas he claims to have originated.  He’s got a really good brain after all.  

Then there’s me on the other end of the pile.  I’m of no consequence, I’m certainly not POTUS, but I sure like my ego stroked just like President Trump.  I’m no different really.  I don’t work hard at being arrogant like some do, e.g. Rush Limbaugh and his tag line “talent on loan from God.”  I know, it’s just Rush’ schtick right?  Wrong.  It’s unrestrained hubris.  Call a spade a spade.  

But I’m no different at my core, at least at my dead core that still wants to act like it’s in charge.  I wrestle at times with wanting my way in my time in the manner I want it done because . . . the sun revolves around me, not my planet revolving around the sun.

Oh how totally different Jesus was.  He never wrestled with pride.  He was tempted to be proud, but He never succumbed.  Oh how unlike me. I wrestle to keep myself off the throne even though I know full well Jesus alone deserves the crown. 

What an idiot I am at those times.  I’m not alone.  Just look in the mirror.  Be honest with yourself.  Deep down, in our core, we are all self-preservationists, ego-strokers, hubristic self-worshipers.  If you think I’m wrong, go talk to your favorite counselor about the concept of “denial” because you’re swimming in it.

The only cure for pride is self-denial.  Deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow Jesus.

Kevin Durant:  True Talent On Loan From God

I just read the SI article on Kevin Durant and Golden State’s NBA finals victory over LeBron James and Cleveland.  It was a well-written article by Lee Jenkins.  

KD has ridiculous talent like King James does.  So why did Golden State win?  There is a variety of factors to be sure.  One stands out to me.

KD is all about the team.  He came to Golden State wanting to fit into the team, not wanting the team to fit around him.  He does what he does for the pure love of basketball, not because he wants to be known as the greatest.  He wants to play the game to the best of his ability; the accolades will come but they don’t define him.  KD is who he is.  He is not better than anyone else, he is not worse than anyone else.  He is himself.

Most importantly, he is a team player.  He plays his role.  Sometimes he is asked to take the ball and score, other times Curry, Green, Thompson, etc. take the ball and score.  Who cares as long as the team plays as a team and the team wins.  It’s a team effort:  either the whole team wins or the whole team loses.

Final thought:  I really respected King James’ final move.  He was the first to give a congratulatory hug to his friend and fellow basketball genius Kevin Durant.  Immediately after the final buzzer, he was quick to go to KD and offer his congratulations.  No pouting, no gamesmanship, just respect and heartfelt love for great friend.  Well done King James.

Trust . . . in Whom?

“but those who trust in the LORD will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31 HCSB).

In whom do you trust?  If you are heartland, grass-roots, typical American, you would probably answer:  “God.”  You could be conservative, liberal, black, hispanic, male, female – the answer would still probably be the same.  Most of us though, even though we would answer “God”, prove by our actions that ultimately it is NOT in God that we trust.

Some of us trust in the system.  Oh we might rail against the liberals or cry about Trump, but in the end, it is correct politics that will save our country.  Yeah right.  Politics and politicians did not create us, therefore politics and politicians cannot save us.  Don’t put your trust in the system.

Some of us trust in our families.  If we just raise our kids right, spend meaningful time with our spouse, get together with extended family over holidays and vacations, then life will work out just fine.  Yeah right.  Families are given to us to be an expression of relationships done right, our first line of defense in this world against loneliness, despair, and hopelessness.  But as too many people can attest, families break apart all too often.  If your trust is rooted in your family instead of the Creator of your family, when your family goes south, your world can easily collapse.  Don’t put your trust in your family.

Some people trust in their work.  My job is great, it’s meaningful, I make an excellent income, I’m making a difference in my world, it’s all good . . . until your job moves to China and you’re given three month’s severance after 30 years with the firm and your 60 years old.  All of a sudden, your perfect work world is torn asunder and therefore your world is in crisis.  It happens all the time.  Don’t put your trust in your work.

Some put their trust in their intellect.  I can write the best novels; I do great research and teach at Stanford; I can argue cases and defend the rights of my clients before any court; I lead my district well and with brilliance as state representative; I am a trauma surgeon and can handle any emergency surgery.  Then the seizures start, followed by mini-strokes, followed by a massive stroke that almost kills you but doesn’t, leaving you trapped inside your own mind unable to communicate to the world outside, but still “alive.”  It happens every day somewhere.  Don’t put your trust in your intellect.

There are any number of things in which we can choose to put our trust.  Why not choose to put our trust in the only One to whom our trust is due, the only One in whom trust makes sense, the only One who is capable of rewarding and validating that trust?  Why don’t we go ahead and choose to place our trust in God?


Trust God


Psalm 91

The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty.I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”He Himself will deliver you from the hunter’s net, from the destructive plague.He will cover you with His feathers; you will take refuge under His wings. His faithfulness will be a protective shield.You will not fear the terror of the night, the arrow that flies by day,the plague that stalks in darkness, or the pestilence that ravages at noon.Though a thousand fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, the pestilence will not reach you.You will only see it with your eyes and witness the punishment of the wicked.Because you have made the Lord —my refuge, the Most High—your dwelling place,no harm will come to you; no plague will come near your tent.For He will give His angels orders concerning you, to protect you in all your ways.They will support you with their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the young lion and the serpent.Because he is lovingly devoted to Me, I will deliver him; I will protect him because he knows My name.When he calls out to Me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble. I will rescue him and give him honor.I will satisfy him with a long life and show him My salvation. – Psalm 91:1-16

High Rise, Properties, Billions, Leadership, Power

For what does it benefit a man to gain the whole world yet lose his life?

I’ve lived and worked and traveled around much of the continental U.S., from California to Maine, from Washington to Florida.  One thing remains consistent:  people are people no matter where you are.  Oh there are differences culturally, regionally, ethnically, but in all places when you boil it all down, people are people. The friendly people are friendly, the grumpy people are grumpy, the conservative people are conservative, the liberal people are liberal, the haves have and the have nots have not.  The friendly people might be friendly with a Boston accent, the conservatives might be conservative from a Wyoming ranch, the have nots might have not in New Orleans.  Deep down, we are who we are no matter where we are.  

Where do most people want to be?  Doesn’t matter as long as there is a pot of gold there.  Friendly/grumpy, conservative/ liberal, have/have not, 99% of the population, if we had our druthers, want and keep searching for that pot of gold because . . . that is what 99% of us think will make us happy, fulfilled, satisfied in life.  

Just ask those who have found their pot of gold.  Ask them how happy they are, how fulfilled they are, how satisfied with life they are.  Here is the answer you will receive from those not in denial:

     “My life is still empty and meaningless even with my house in the Hamptons, my yacht on the French Riviera, my island in the Caribbean.  All the stuff means nothing.”

So what does it profit to gain the whole world yet forfeit your soul?

                It doesn’t

From Father to father: the Gift of Fatherhood

I grew up in a stable family.  My parents have been married for over 50 years and they raised my sister and I to love God and love others.  On this Fathers Day, I am reminded of my dad.  The example which my dad has set for me and for my sister is one not of fatherly perfection but of fatherly persistence, fatherly longevity, fatherly love through every storm, every triumph, every tragedy.  Here are a handful of my reflections/life lessons that I learned from my dad.

  1. Love God first and foremost.  Even though my dad was an assistant pastor of our church when I was born, this was not an assumed principle.  It was a shared one.  My mom and dad taught my sister and I from an early age to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to . . .
  2. Love our neighbor as ourselves.  It had to have been dozens, scores of times as a kid at home that my dad took me with him to help fix a fence of a neighbor or trim a rose bush or cut down a tree for a widow or single mother.  I’ll never forget the time when there was an earthquake in the Los Angeles area where my aunt, uncle, and three cousins lived.  It did quite a bit of damage to their property.  It was never a question of whether we would go – only a question of when.  We worked hard cleaning up debris, fallen bricks, broken items.  When we finished, my aunt gave my dad and I each a heart-felt hug – her way of saying “I can’t say thank you enough.”
  3. Persevere.  I learned this through various means but perhaps best through backpacking.  My first backpack trip was when I was 10 years old give or take a year.  My pack was light but I was unsure of my abilities, a.k.a. I thought I was going to die after a couple of miles.  I didn’t die.  My dad and my uncle kept encouraging me to persevere, to keep putting one foot in front of the other.  We went on many more backpack trips in the Sierras in California.  Learning to persevere served me well when a friend of mine and I were backpacking on the west side of the Sierras.  It was 25 miles from the parking lot to the campsite.  We took two days to get there but only one coming back to my truck.  Twenty five miles in one day!  The last five were sheer agony but we made it.  Perseverance was an ingrained trait at that point in my life.  Otherwise, there was no way I would have made it.  At that point we were so physically keyed up we couldn’t sleep.  We ended up driving all night to get home.  That wasn’t perseverance; that was stupidity, but God is merciful and kept us from falling asleep at the wheel!
  4. Be friendly to everyone.  One of my dad’s closest friends was an American Indian.  One of my best friends was African-American and our families were friends.  I had a friend in high school who was gay.  Some of our friends at church were Asian.  Growing up in southern California, lots of our friends, classmates, fellow workers, etc., were Hispanic.  There was a large extended family of Hispanic descent at our church.  I was friends with many of them.  There was never an issue of “superiority because our skin is white” nonsense from my parents.  My sister and I were taught from day one that all people, regardless of race, nationality, skin color, etc., all people are created by God and are created in the image of God.  We are all the same inside:  empty souls until filled by Jesus Christ – but God just wanted to be creative and added variety on the outside.  It’s all good.
  5. Expect to suffer.  This was a tough one.  Who wants to grow up learning the lesson that suffering at various times to varying degrees is part of life?  I want to have my cake and eat it too right?  I mean especially for Christians, those who have put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, aren’t we guaranteed health and wealth?  Nope.  God chooses to give some health and wealth – true, but He chooses to allow all who desire to live a godly life to go through a variety of challenges, trials, persecutions, sufferings. Why?  Because Jesus did.  If He underwent challenges, trials, persecutions, and sufferings, why should His followers, His disciples, His sheep expect any less?  Even though I believe all this with all of my heart, it doesn’t make it any easier.  My parents have been through their fair share of struggles.  Life hasn’t been easy.  My sister and I have been through plenty of our own in our own families.  What has kept us going?  We were taught at an early age that part of God’s plan for our lives is to allow us to undergo trials and suffering.  In other words, God is in control of all of our lives, the “good” and the “bad.”  Trusting in Him through it all has seen us through.

My dad’s father passed away when my dad was only an infant.  He never knew him.  But his step-dad, never known by that technical term, just dad and granddad, did a great job in teaching my dad and his three brothers how to be men and how to be fathers.  Both my dad and granddad became great fathers ultimately because they looked to their heavenly Father, God Almighty, as their example of how to be a father.

You may not have been as fortunate as me to have a great example of an earthly father, but your heavenly Father is your greatest example.  Regardless of the example of your earthly father – good, bad, or non-existent – look to your heavenly Father, follow His principles , and choose to lead by His example.  Your children will be blessed if you do.